5 Original Cheeseboard Inclusions

10 September 2015, 15:34 PM
  • Andy Swinscoe of The Courtyard Dairy, Settle shares the most exciting additions to his cheeseboard
5 Original Cheeseboard Inclusions

It’s made by Dutch women who settled on an Irish goat farm. At the Courtyard Dairy, we age this cheese until it is a year old, when the taste is floral, toffee-like and smooth.

An alternative for those who like crumbly, fresh cheeses such as Cheshire and Caerphilly, Anster is a zesty, clean and fresh cheese made by a small family farm in Fife.

St James
Made by hand on a small sheep farm in Cumbria, St James offers rich, hammy and powerful flavours. This cheese is made with sheep’s milk and then washed to bring out complex unique flavours.

Old Winchester
This family farm in Hampshire crossed a Cheddar recipe with Gouda methodology, and came up with something fabulous. Aged for two years, it is crystalline, smoky and has a powerful tang.

Young Buck
A rich blue made on a small scale and with unpasteurised milk by Michael Thomson, who has has created a fabulous alternative blue. Once you’ve tasted it you might not go back!

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