Farmers Against ‘Traffic Light’ Food Labelling

25 October 2012, 14:31 PM
  • Farmers and dairy producers are against new plans to introduce a traffic light-based food labelling system which will mean their produce will receive a red label
Farmers Against ‘Traffic Light’ Food Labelling

Food that is high in fat, calories, sugar or salt will carry a red warning logo, while healthier food will receive amber or green.

But critics of the proposed scheme have said products such as cheese, full fat milk, sausages and bacon will be seen as junk food, causing sales to drop, despite the products being high in calcium, protein and iron.

A spokesman for the National Farmers’ Union said, “We do not believe that colour coding or “traffic lights” are an effective or helpful way to enable consumers to eat a balanced diet suitable for their needs. The colour coding approach is over-simplistic, demonises some food groups, can be misinterpreted and cannot reflect reformulation of products to reduce levels of fat, sugar and salt.”

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