23 February 2021, 14:53 PM
  • Traditional know-how from experienced farmers and a love for fine food combine to create France’s premium dairy products
Authenticity and passion: the pillars of French dairy excellence

France has a long history of traditional dairy farming which has, over the centuries, cemented the country’s reputation for premium-quality dairy products such as butter and cream.

As an essential element in the country’s cuisine, France has become recognised as a top dairy producer. The deep knowledge of its traditional farmers, combined with an innate passion for gastronomy, has propelled French brands into the spotlight for their guaranteed quality and reliability.

Candia Professional, a brand of Sodiaal, offers a wide range of creams and butter used by chefs all over the world. Through its dairy expertise and close collaboration with chefs, Candia Professional has developed a range of technical products to meet chefs’ expectations and everyday needs.

The group’s premium, authentic products were designed with exceptional qualities and functionalities to simplify chefs’ lives and inspire their creativity. The complete range of cream, butter and cream cheeses is made with 100% French milk collected from Sodiaal’s passionate farmers and is exclusively produced in France.

This includes new and organic UHT 100% dairy cream, which comes with an 80-day guaranteed delivered shelf life. With options to suit both sweet or savoury dishes, this adds a smooth, subtle dairy cream flavour to every recipe, and is packaged in bio-based material (85% from vegetal origin).

Candia Professional’s puff pastry butter is made in the heart of Brittany, which is known for its traditional buttery recipes, from carefully selected local cream. With high plasticity to make exceptional puff pastries, this product now comes with 60 days guaranteed delivered shelf life.

Being aligned with Sodiaal also gives Candia Professional’s products a stamp of approval from France’s largest dairy cooperative. The group is governed by 20,000 members, including more than 12,500 diary farms all over France. Members of Sodiaal believe the unique quality and richness of their milk come from the care and respect they give their animals and their land.

Sodiaal also believes the farmers’ skills and know-how are essential ingredients, and that’s why they uphold a sustainable farming model based on human-sized farms. What’s more, they believe in transparency between members and elected managers, and also between their consumers and their food.

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