
17 GUILBERT’S specialityfoodmagazine.com cocoa-inspired works of art in place of the ordinary mass- produced chocolates. Guilbert’s provide a variety of luxury handmade chocolates to choose from, whether they are being purchased for an occasion, or as a tear to oneself. The company’s chocolates are available in a large variety of fillings such as fruit fondant creams, gingers and truffles. They provide endless possibilities of combinations of flavours, whether it be through the pre-packed selections in fantastically designed tins or boxes, or in smaller boxes that are E stablished in 1910, Bristol- based Guilbert’s Chocolates have been hand-making chocolates using traditional methods for over 100 years. While now an electric mixer is used instead of hand-mixing, everything else is done by hand, just as Piers Guilbert did a century ago. Guilbert’s catches the eye in the quest for original and exquisite flavours. Catering to everyone, the company offers the optimum selection of luxury handmade chocolates that are available today. When buying chocolates with Guilbert’s, you are buying Traditional techniques combined with modern tastes make for a recipe for success, says Guilbert’s Chocolates director, AlanWhite When buying chocolates with Guilbert’s, you are buying cocoa-inspired works of art in place of the ordinarymass-produced chocolates TASTEOF TRADITION experimenting with new flavours that are popular with customers of today – such as the Blackberry, Absinthe and Salted Caramel Truffles varieties. Hopefully the future of Guilbert’s future is to continue on with its proven popular recipes staying true to its heritage, whilst at the same time creating new and exciting flavours to complement these. hand-selected by their customers. The most popular products are the delectable Rose and Violet creams, a recipe that has been popular with customers for years. Other age-old recipes, such as the crystallised peppermint creams and crystallised fondants, are still just as popular today as they were back in 1910. In addition to keeping those old traditional recipes alive, Guilbert’s also enjoys