25 November 2022, 10:37 AM
  • Since landing in London, international Italian retailer Eataly has become one of the city’s gastronomic icons. Here, Olivia Vachon, marketing manager at Eataly London, talks us through what made it such a destination for lovers of Italian food

The story behind an Italian retail icon: Eataly, London

The original idea behind Eataly was very simple: to gather all the high-quality Italian foods together under one roof, where you can eat, shop and learn. Oscar Farinetti, our founder, first envisioned the Eataly concept in 2002.

After five years of researching and planning, the first Eataly store opened in Torino, Italy, in January 2007.

Eataly London offers a market with more than 6,000 Italian products as well as the largest Italian wine shop in the UK. With 4 restaurants, 6 eateries, a caffe and 3 bars, Eataly is spread across two floors in a 40,000 square foot space.

Eataly London is the largest Italian food destination in London, winning several awards since their opening in April 2021, that include the R200 ‘Best New Opening’ award.

When people think about Eataly, it is our priority to ensure these customers know that most products are made and produced in Italy. The small number of items that aren’t, come from local producers here in the UK. The provenance of ingredients, combined with sustainability and craftmanship for our products are key, essential topics for us.

We love to re-tell the stories of these incredible producers, whether that’s in-store or through our digital channels. It explores how powerful and unique the offerings at Eataly London truly are, as we remain a space where you can eat, shop and learn all under one roof.

It is also the background we give to our clients, by empowering them with knowledge on the origins of our products is truly unique. Many of the products we offer at Eataly can not be found anywhere else in the world, from unique wines imported only by us, to specialist olive oils and pasta.

As Eataly, we want to empower more people to develop the complexities of Italian food, beyond just eating great pasta and pizza. When we talk about seasonality, or the difference in Italian regions where produce and wine originate from, you start to understand the amount of storytelling we have, and the platform we have to communicate this on.

So, I see the future of Italian food in the UK as very strong. We have such a rich culture with so many complexities woven in, this really is just the beginning for Italian food in the UK.