04 May 2007, 19:19 PM
  • Supermarket giant, Tesco, has once again been voted Britain's most trusted food retailer, a new survey reveals.

The findings, published by Reader’s Digest, surveyed close to 2,000 people from across the country, with Tesco coming out on top. The results give the supermarket chain its seventh win in a row in the study.

However, the results further highlight the dominance of Tesco over the retail market as a whole. Recent figures show that the company’s profits lie at a record £2.55 billion.

There has been growing criticism of the dominance of one single retailer over the whole of the food market in recent months, with many towns’ residents opposing planning applications for new stores.

Rival supermarket chains, small retailers and producers alike have also voiced concerns over the dominance of the firm, suggesting the power it has is too great and is bad for competition. One such example of concern relates to a farmer who has referred a complaint to the Competition Commission after a deal to supply the company with organic lamb resulted in the farmer’s loss of earnings.