29 June 2009, 13:55 PM
  • Worldwide sales of Fairtrade products grew by 22% in 2008, totalling an estimated €2.9 billion.

In the UK, sales soared by 43% welcoming a record revenue of over £700m, according to recent reports published by the organisation.

“We’re delighted about the growth in Fairtrade sales, which keeps us on track with our plan to double the impact of Fairtrade by 2012, says Harriet Lamb, executive director of the Fairtrade Foundation.

“It is profoundly reassuring to know that globally, consumers are still wholeheartedly backing a better deal for farmers and workers around the world. It makes sense for businesses to build long-term relations with producers on whom they depend while also responding to public demand for Fairtrade,” she adds.

The main areas of growth were in Fairtrade tea, coffee, cotton and bananas. Global sales doubled for tea and cotton products, coffee sales increased by 14% to 66,000 metric tonnes (MT) and the market for bananas grew by 28% to 300,000 MT.

At the end of 2008, there were 746 Fairtrade certified producer organisations representing over 1,500,000 individual farmers and workers.