21 July 2008, 14:41 PM
  • Simmer design is offering a free Brand and Packaging Design Review for the months of August and September, perfect for any delis wishing to revamp their identity in the summer months.

Food and drink specialist Simmer has worked with a cross section of companies from artisan producers to city food-halls to leading chefs to FMCG brands and its work has enabled its clients to take significant steps at times of critical change.

Richard Reeves, managing director at Simmer, says, “We are frequently asked to advise on our client’s existing branding, packaging and communications and we use our sharp insight into today’s rapidly changing food world to give valuable pointers to increase design effectiveness. So, as food businesses start to plan their Autumn and 2009 design agenda, we’re bringing this tasty offer to the marketing table.”

The Simmer review will cover areas such as structural packaging and finishes; use of graphics, colour and typography; words and image content; clarity of communication, effectiveness of differentiation, the strength of branding, shelf presence and all with reference to competitive and consumer context.

So, if you’re thinking about your design, what better place to start than with some valuable pointers from an industry expert?

To receive Simmer’s free brand and packaging design review email Richard Reeves on rich@simmerdesign.com with some detail of the challenges you face and two weeks later you’ll receive a concise summary of how your design could create more appetite for your products or business.