New Backing for Food Awards Company

25 February 2013, 10:52 AM
  • A business which helps to set up and launch niche food awards has received backing from Luke Johnson, the food entrepreneur behind Pizza Express
New Backing for Food Awards Company

The Food Awards Company has already launched the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Award, the Tiptree World Bread Awards and the Food and Drink Entrepreneur of the Year competition.

It is hoped that the investment from Luke Johnson will speed up the expansion of the company, which employs eight people and falls back on founder Caroline Kenyon’s experience of the food and drink PR sector.

Ms Kenyon said, “The idea had been bubbling in my head for a while and as with all ideas the exciting part is bringing them to life. Fortunately for me, my idea has been backed by a man who has implemented many of his own extremely successfully and I hope can spot a good one!

“I also have a fantastically hard-working and fun team to work with – they are helping us to make this happen at a faster speed than I initially anticipated.”

Mr Johnson added, “I really liked the idea of this from the outset. People love awards, and niche awards which celebrate something specific are even more appealing.”

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