19 December 2011, 12:08 PM
  • The Food Standards Agency has announced that changes to food packaging which will include more accurate and understandable information will come into effect in 2014

The changes are being implemented to stop retailers labelling food as British, even if it was grown or reared in another country.

Currently, if food from anywhere in the world is processed and packaged in the UK, it can be labelled as British produce.

Andrea Graham, chief science and regulatory affairs advisor for the National Farmers Union, said, “We support the provision of clear, accurate and relevant information for the consumer and we believe that the new country of origin labelling requirements will give a big boost to consumers.

“These new rules will offer them clear and honest information on the origin of their food and where it was reared,” she added.

The rules will not come into effect for another two years in order to allow the industry time to adapt to the new packaging.