23 August 2007, 17:31 PM

  • According to a new survey, small retailers are more aware of their commitment to the local community and the benefits that come with it.

More than three quarters of UK entrepreneurs in the retail sector said that supporting the local community was good for business, as reported in think-tank Tenon Forum’s new report.

In fact, the survey revealed that the smaller the company, the bigger the commitment to local groups and organisations. It also showed that 88% of retailers try to use local products and suppliers and the same percentage claimed to have sponsored local charity events and teams.

Three quarters of those retailers surveyed, also said they raise funds for local charities, while 71% donate employee time or services to meet charitable needs.

Alan Toft, chairman of the My Shop is Your Shop campaign, which backs local stores, said, “This is yet more evidence that the small local retailer has a huge part to play in his local community – it’s a unique contribution to society.”