SALSA Workshop Success

09 May 2014, 15:45 PM
  • Half of the scheduled SALSA food labelling workshops (FICR) have now taken place, and have taught over 50 food industry workers about the new food labelling regulations
SALSA Workshop Success

Sally Ball, SALSA scheme manager said, “With the introduction of the new legislation just months away, this expansion in the workshop calendar is there to help our members – and non-members ̶  in every way we can to prepare for these important changes. The fact that these are LOCAL workshops also helps our delegates, saving them time and money which we know is especially critical for small businesses.”

The full-day workshops, which were launched in February 2014 for both SALSA members and non-members, have proven valuable for small producers around Britain including preserve producer Mrs Darlington’s. Melanie Roberts, technical manager of Riverford Farm Dairies said, “Excellent workshop, the interactive nature of the day with delegates discussing their own product labels made the day very relevant and interesting.”

One of SALSA’s key stakeholders, Waitrose, have shown their support. Jane Duddle, product safety manager at Waitrose said, “The course was excellent and very well delivered. The interaction within the group allowed delegates to raise questions and get answers – it was also an excellent way of fostering new business relationships.”

Sally Ball said, “The response has been very positive; delegates have found the workshops extremely useful, providing clarity in a very complex area. Our trainers are very knowledgeable and experienced, and are able to deliver essential information in a relaxed and open environment.  Do check our website for the full calendar of FICR workshops.”

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