07 December 2010, 04:30 AM

Many businesses will be faced with information ‘overload’ as we move into the new year. To help with this challenge, Rob Ward has the solution…

“Too much information means too little time to make consistent and profitable decisions for your business.” Rob says, “which is why we are running a free webinar to help Food Businesses deal with this before it’s too late.”

Digital media is constantly expanding. It’s not like paper, it can get bigger.

Every 18 months for the last decade, the world has doubled the data it pushes to you. Twice as much email, twice as many friend requests, twice as many sites to check and twice as many devices – why? Or is the question why not, after all, it’s free…

But when does your mind lose the ability to keep up?

As soon as you are overloaded, you pay less attention to what really matters. More clutter isn’t free. In fact, more clutter is a permanent shift, a desensitisation to all the information, not just the last bit.
The point is, more is not always better. In fact, more is almost never better and can be damaging to you and your business.

So, how do you listen above the roar of all the noise and hear exactly what you need to hear?

This is a huge issue when it comes to buying and selling in the food industry. Knowing whose buying and selling the best is almost impossible, the market place changes more quickly than any human can possibly keep up with.

Confusing isn’t it… but fear not, times are changing (Thank goodness for that I hear you cry!)

It’s time to completely transform how buyers and sellers in the food industry communicate and trade with each other.

The free webinar, is Thursday 9th December at 2pm (GMT)

Places are limited:

Link to register: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/125877910