Company Culture

26 January 2012, 12:05 pm
Speciality Bites by Paul Hargreaves

I have been thinking this week about Company Culture. I am pleased with the atmosphere and commitment we have at Cotswold Fayre and it has always been my aim to create a culture that is fun to work in rather than simply to make money (and just as well as the latter hasn’t always happened!).

I started to read Richard Branson’s new book over Christmas “Screw Business as Usual” - normal gentle title from him. The main thrust is that those companies that do good and have fun will be the ones that make money. I have always believed in this. Cotswold Fayre was borne out of supporting my own charitable work in South-East London, employed ex-druggies and alkies in its early days and more recently has thoroughly engaged in supporting and working with the Bala Orphanage in Kenya. Whilst we work hard we also have a good laugh whilst we are doing it most of the time with the result that people like working here and our churn is very low. It works and as time goes on and we make more profit we will be more and more engaged in giving it away. I look forward to it!

With these thoughts in my mind I have been starting to invest in our future and are currently recruiting for two new sales people in the North of England. We have had a massive response with over 70 people applying so far and first interviews are happening this week. Whilst thinking that our culture and what we do are “the norm” it is shocking to discover that some companies are still in the dark ages. I interviewed one candidate this week from a food company that has won several huge accolades at the Great Taste Awards over the last 10 years that are still in the Victorian era when it comes to treating their staff. This candidate is desperate to get out as he has a company car that shouldn’t be on the road and has to take holiday when the car breaks down (which is frequently), doesn’t have any access to customer sales reports and isn’t given any information on company sales or profits. It’s the cloak and dagger culture that I have avoided like the plague.

Maybe this is normal - in which case we are very abnormal. I hope not! Let’s have open businesses, that treat their staff well, have fun, remember others and make more profit!

Have a good week.

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