Happy New Year

10 January 2012, 10:10 am
Speciality Bites by Paul Hargreaves

Happy New Year. A lot to tell you about, so better get going! What a year 2011 was; I think many of us will be pleased to see the back of it, to be honest.

As I have said here before, it seemed like we were running to stand still for much of the time. However, we finished the year up 16.5% which was a lot lower than our target, but people tell me we should be happy with that – although generally “people” have lower expectations than me!

One thing is sure, I have never been so tired at Christmas than I was this year – nor have my team!  To get the job done they showed an amazing level of commitment and were often in the office past 7,8 or even 9pm. A big thanks to them, and it reminds me what a great group of people I have got around me. That’s enough back-slapping!  What I really needed was a break, so booked to go away without the kids for New Year’s weekend.  Unfortunately rushed as we were didn’t check trip advisor before we booked and managed to book what must be one of the worst hotels in England.

If you want a weekend away, do not stay here: http://bit.ly/w7WIXc To say that the staff didn’t care is a massive understatement!  One reviewer on Trip advisor, which I have since looked at and written my own post on, (although they haven’t published it yet), described it as when “Fawlty Towers meets Acorn Antiques”.  How true!  The only difference being that some of the staff at Fawlty Towers actually cared!  The straw that broke the camel’s back was when checking out early after only one night when asking for the details of who to complain to, I was given the name of someone whose job title was “ex-manager”!!  For a full review of the horrors, hopefully trip advisor will publish what I said here:  http://bit.ly/oTUQ3H

So I didn’t exactly come back refreshed, but certainly am full of energy for the year ahead.  Lots of exciting things to plan and do in the next few months!

The next time you hear from me I will be in the States visiting the Fancy Food Show - talk to you again then.

I really do think this year will be better, especially if we stop the doom-mongers as soon as they open their mouths!

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