Producers: Say Goodbye To Trans Fats
31 January 2007 NewsBritish Retail Consortium members have voluntarily committed to remove trans-fats from their own-branded products before the end of the year. -
Retail: New Deli Opens Its Doors
30 January 2007 NewsA former mechanical engineer has opened a delicatessen after a complete career change. -
Producers: Sussex Producers Shine
29 January 2007 NewsThe quality of local Sussex produce was highlighted when the winners of the Sussex Food and Drink Awards 2006/2007 received their trophies at a glamorous awards ceremony on 25th January. -
Retail: Farm Shops Lead The Way
29 January 2007 NewsIn an article in The Sunday Times yesterday, Jenny Davey suggested that consumers are flocking to farm shops, at the expense of supermarkets, delis and convenience stores, but is this really the case? -
Consumers: Better Meat Labelling Needed
26 January 2007 NewsAccording to new research, 59% of consumers want to see food retailers displaying fresh meat in separate, clearly marked shelf space by country of origin, so they can make a more informed decision before purchasing. -
Organic: Cutting Down On Organic Food Miles
26 January 2007 NewsIn new proposals put forward by The Soil Association to reduce carbon emissions, food which is imported to the UK by air may be denied the "organic" label. -
Retail: Road Tax Plans Worry Small Businesses
26 January 2007 NewsThe recent Government proposal to introduce a ‘pay by the mile’ road taxation scheme will do more harm than good to independent retailers, it has been claimed. -
Health: All Eyes Turn To Children’s Diets
25 January 2007 NewsAccording to a new report from Datamonitor, rising childhood obesity rates and increased media coverage of unhealthy diets has put healthy eating high on the shopping agenda for parents. -
Retail: Is The Grocery Sector Doomed?
24 January 2007 NewsWith the multiples dominating the food and drink retail sector, fears are mounting that their continued growth will contribute to the on-going decline of the grocery supply chain -
Travel: Food Destinations Prevail
23 January 2007 NewsWith food now a strong focus in the media, British holidaymakers are giving more thought to food when booking their trips. -
Business: Staying Within The Law
23 January 2007 NewsFigures released today by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), show that UK small businesses are facing a growing headache because of the complexity of employment law. -
Retail: Love At First Bite For Independent Stores
19 January 2007 NewsAs 1000s of romantics plan what to do for the most ‘loved up’ date in the diary, around 600 independent food shops will be taking part in Britain’s biggest tasting event.