Dioxin Eggs Are Deemed Not Dangerous

10 January 2011, 21:01 PM
  • Large batches of eggs contaminated with the chemical dioxin have been given the all-clear

German trade officials raised the alarm after they discovered the hens had been fed animal feed containing the dangerous dioxin, but now British health authorities are saying the product is safe due to the levels being so low.

The eggs had been used in several products destined for UK supermarket shelves, including cakes, mayonnaise and quiches. However, as soon as the news broke shops have been quick to remove them from the shelves as a precautionary measure.

A spokesperson for supermarket giant, Tesco said, “This move was purely on a precautionary basis as safety watchdogs had confirmed there was no health risk to humans in the quantities involved.”

The FSA has advised retailers to clear any remaining affected products, but stressed that consumers do not face any health risks as mixing the eggs would have diluted the levels of dioxins.

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