Are You Britain’s Best Butcher?

09 April 2009, 15:08 PM
  • A butchery competition for farm shop owners, managers and butchers will be a new feature of this year’s Beef Expo on the Three Counties Showground.

The farm shop beef butchery competition is being organised by the English Beef & Lamb Executive (EBLEX) and will be open to farm shops selling English beef.

“The new competition will add a further dimension to BEEF Expo 2009,” said EBLEX regional manager, Clive Brown. “More and more farm shops are introducing fresh meat counters and the competition is designed to encourage high standards of butchery and presentation.”

Competitors will be allocated a preparation and display area and allowed one hour to prepare and display a variety of cuts. Each competitor will be provided with one thick flank and a primal cut of fore-quarter beef and will be required to put on a display consisting of at least eight different cuts and products.

They will also have to produce four beefburgers, one of which will be cooked and judged. Entry forms can be downloaded from by May 7th.

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